18-18A Palace Road - Brixton, SW2
Project Value:
£2.5 Million
Contract Period:
60 Weeks
RDA Architects
Other Key Features:
Secure by Design | Residential Development
The Project
Located in a quiet residential road between Tulse Hill and Streatham Hill railway stations, the project comprises of the construction of 11 residential dwellings (10no. shared ownership and 1no. social rent) in Palace Road, Brixton. The redevelopment of the site sees the demolition of the existing former care home and construction of a new three-storey building to provide 11 residential units, together with the provision of 5 car parking spaces and bin/cycles store with associated landscaping.
The new scheme has been designed to reflect the original detailing and character of the surrounding buildings and will be constructed from materials to reflect this; with red/orange brickwork and slate tiling as shown in the scheme’s visualisation.
• Client: Metropolitan Housing Trust
• Employer’s Agent: Faithorn Farrell Timms
• Architect: RDA Architects
• Structural Engineer: Walker Associates
• M&E Designer: Mendick Waring
Architect, Structural Engineer and M&E Designer have all been directly appointed by Oakdean.